Wednesday, May 11, 2011

A Peek On My Daily Life...

On weekdays, I wake up at around 6, and I prepare to go to school. Everyday of school is filled with 20% of boredom, 15% of laughing, 35% of work and 30% of talking. When afternoon classes finish, I would walk back tired, and even a snail could pace me.

Upon reaching my room, I throw my bag down, sit down heavily on my bed with a 'plomp' and start Facebooking. Sometimes a pop-up from my chat would ask me what was today's homework and often I would not remember much. Most of the time I would turn my head to ask my classmate and roommate on the other side of the room on today's homework, and he would think together with me the occasionally heavy workload we were assigned.

Around the night I would start panicking on the work to be handed up the next day, and when it was near the end of the term I would be busy finding feasible titles to post on my blog. After 9.30 I could relax for a while and talk to my other fellow scholars, before going back to my sweet dreams.

On weekends, things would always be different for me. I would wake up late around 10am, and walk around my cluster wondering about things. Occasionally I would have projects to do and these filled up some of my weekends, but most were spent surfing the net, thinking about possible ways to get more ACE and OP, and also visits from my parents. Every weekend was bland yet exciting, bland as almost each weekend had the similar routine; exciting because each programme or action would often end up different in a way or another.

This is my daily life. If someone asked me if it was boring, certainly I would answer yes. But, I still feel that my life is fine because there is always that occasional excitement there for me to discover.


  1. Very interesting to share about your daily life (:
    It's great to know that the highest percentage for school is still on work, but I see you have a rather balanced lifestyle for school. But as you reach home you'd start facebooking immediately - I know it must be the tiredness from school (we've all been there done that haven't we)~ Thanks for letting me have a peek :D

    p.s. I realise there is a black fish in your flash widget after feeding the fishes

  2. Wow I didn't know that you had such a steady life... what I suggest is that you can probably inject more interesting activities (including Facebooking) everyday to broaden your horizon :D

  3. "Upon reaching my room, I throw my bag down, sit down heavily on my bed with a 'plomp' and start Facebooking."

    No, Seah, I don't Facebook every day D:

  4. Well. I do agree that the workload of us secondary school students now has forced us to take up a boring lifestyle. Maybe you could try to find the fun in all these daily tiresome routines! Personally, I try to find humour in almost everything.
    For example, the game? Anyway you lost it.
