Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Term 1 Reflection

This is a terrible issue.
Due to my laziness(yes I know that you teachers were right), my Term 1 MSG had a great drop to 2.5. Although this may not seem so much as a very terrible MSG to most students, this is very disappointing to me. I knew that I should not have achieved such a horrible grade as I could have easily achieved a MSG that was lower than 2. I know that I was sticking my face in front of my computer too much and that I had not bothered to study much. My attitude towards school and homework was also very bad. However, I would like to clarify one matter. I admit that sometimes during class I was feeling very sleepy, but on certain occasions, I WAS NOT FEELING SLEEPY AT ALL.

I shall try hard to do well in the next term.

Saturday, March 12, 2011


In this short one-week term break, I hope that I can achieve my following targets:

To be able to find a good book in the library nearby to read.
To be able to improve my language.
To be able to use descriptive language better.

Wish me good luck! =D

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Reflection on Racism

Racism. What is it? Where does it exist? Why does it exist?
Racism is an act of discrimination against another race. It exists basically all over the planet, differing in the severity. It exists because some people stereotype the people of the race with bad actions, or think that they themselves belong to a mightier race.

I come from Malaysia. At there racism is at large, with the Malays getting all the benefits. The citizens of Malaysia do not fight over this because they say they are getting along well enough and they can tolerate it. But a new generation of Malaysians are rising. One generation that is aware that they need to fight against the racism. One who is more aware of the need of equality. And that was why during the 2008 elections, the former government nearly lost their position. They barely won the fight with 53% of the votes. Even though the government there is trying very hard to make the citizens believe that they are treating all races equally, but the citizens know what they are experiencing. If the government of Malaysia does not treat this seriously, they will lose the upcoming election. More and more of the to-be voters are prepared. Prepared to vote for the opposition party. But even to then, the racism issue will not be solved. This is because to solve the issue, what must be done is to remove the special rights of the Malays, which would cause a revolt in the Malays. And then we would be back to the old days, where riots ruled the streets, and then it was back again to racism.

An even more extreme example would be the racism in South America during the late 19th century. The blacks in the south were treated very badly, and they would be convicted for a crime even if all the evidence was pointed towards them being framed. This was a very major issue in America, and it was not until the raise of Civil Rights in the 1980s that the racism issue was solved.

Racism is a bad thing. I sincerely hope that Malaysia can get rid of the racism deep inside it, although I clearly know it shall never happen during my generation. Maybe my sons or grandsons will witness the revolution of Malaysia, when Malaysia ceases to be Malaysia. But until then, I shall remain that hope, for a better Malaysia.

Racism. It affects everyone near you. It is bad for you. Stop the spread of racism. Stop racism.