Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Scenery Description

The coconut trees cast long sinewy shadows on the pale sand, their leaves swaying to and fro, and the bushes beneath them supporting them from ever falling down. The calm blue seemed to extend indefinitely, with thin ripples all over, like an old woman's face. The ever-blue sky was paled out by the clouds, going on to mix in with the blue waters, blurring out the horizon. All seemed so still, so lifeless, yet small movements continued, on and on and on and on...

Monday, January 24, 2011

Home Learning 24 Jan


The 1st background was the corridor of an apartment, this is to make the story more similar to our real life.
The 2nd background was to build up suspense due to the darkness in the room. The black character in the background also contributes to building up the climax of the story.
The 3rd background is a room, which is supposed to be what is the common living room of an apartment. The many kinds of people in the room is supposed to symbolize the diversity of friends Jack has.
The 4th background is the kitchen, where everyone is eating the cake. This is the ending.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Know: What do I already know about prejudice
What I already know about prejudice is that it is an action of unfairness towards a certain person due to the impression of the person in one's heart. An example of this is that when a fight occurs in the classroom, a teacher will tend to blame the troublemaker even if the fight was not caused by him, because the impression of the teacher about the troublemaker is that he will always cause the problems.
Want: What do I want to know/learn about prejudice
I want to know many forms of prejudices are there in total and in what forms do they exist in so as to better understand prejudice and be able to identify it the next time I see it.
Learn: What have I learnt about prejudice
I have learnt a form of prejudice, that is racial prejudice.